Sections of our PSH Newsletter 🌳
Podemos ser Heroes
It is a program developed in Costa Rica, the country where the YFSE headquarters is located. Through this, the organization seeks to encourage conscious people to participate as volunteers in the development of this program.
PSH Reciclando seeks to encourage conscious people to participate as volunteers in the development of this initiative in favor of the environment, which consists of completing a five-year afforestation cycle during the months of each Mesoamerican winter.
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Welcome to the first edition of the YFSE newsletter!
We are excited to connect with you and share news, achievements and exciting projects as we work to advance education and youth development.
Join us on this journey towards a bright future full of opportunities for all.
Renewables will surpass coal in 2025
A report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) indicates that clean energy and nuclear energy, which will reach its production record in 2025, will account for almost half of global electricity generation in 2026.
Costa Rica seeks to protect the manatee, a national symbol at risk of extinction
The Seacow Conservation program of the Costa Rica Wildlife Foundation (CRWF) promotes a plan to protect the manatee, the national symbol of Costa Rica since 2014 and a species highly threatened by illegal fishing and pollution.

Sections PSH PSH Reciclando
Podemos ser Heroes

¿How do you plant a tree?
Let's get started!
First Step
Choose a location.
Choose a location that allows roots to expand and branches to grow freely, away from building foundations, walls, decks, windows and power lines.
Second Step
Dig a Hole
Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and twice as wide.
Third Step
Remove the tree from its location.
Remove the tree from its container and place the root ball in the hole, making sure the top of the root ball is level with the soil.
Four Step
Fill the Hole
Fill the hole until the soil line is right at the base of the plant and level with the surrounding soil surface.
Fifth Step
Gently compact the soil
Gently compact the soil around the tree to remove air pockets.
Six Step
Water the tree.
Water the tree well and add a 2-inch layer of mulch, such as shredded bark, around the planting area.
Seventh Step
Let's start again!
Let’s help the planet!
Brazil and Colombia drastically reduce their deforestation levels
Recent analysis indicates that deforestation in the tropical forests of Brazil and Colombia saw a notable decline last year, thanks to decisive policy measures. According to researchers, the new leaders have demonstrated a renewed commitment to environmental protection, resulting in a significant 39% reduction in tree loss in the Brazilian Amazon.
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Reforestación, una solución vital para la restauración del Ambiente
La reforestación emerge como una solución efectiva en un mundo donde la deforestación, la pérdida de biodiversidad y el cambio climático son desafíos apremiantes. Este proceso implica plantar árboles en áreas donde los bosques han sido degradados o destruidos, y es esencial para restaurar los ecosistemas dañados y mitigar los impactos negativos del desarrollo humano.
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La importancia del Día Forestal Mundial
El Día Internacional de los Bosques, celebrado cada 21 de marzo, constituye un momento significativo para reflexionar sobre la importancia de estos ecosistemas para nuestro planeta. Instaurado por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en 2012, este día tiene como propósito resaltar el papel fundamental que desempeñan los bosques en la preservación de la biodiversidad, la regulación del clima y el sustento de millones de personas.
Click hereLos bosques tropicales gestionados localmente proporcionan múltiples beneficios
Un reciente estudio publicado en Nature Climate Change el 23 de noviembre pasado resalta los múltiples beneficios proporcionados por los bosques tropicales gestionados localmente por comunidades indígenas y locales. Dirigido por Harry Fischer de la Universidad Sueca de Ciencias Agrícolas, este estudio revela que estos bosques mejoran los resultados en términos de carbono, biodiversidad y medios de vida,
Click herePSH Reciclando

World Recycling Day
In commemoration of World Recycling Day, which takes place on March 18, 2024, various activities and coordinated efforts are carried out to promote the practice of recycling in all cities around the world. This date has been selected with the purpose of raising awareness among society about the importance of properly addressing waste management. During this day, it is common to hold conferences, television broadcasts, concerts, exhibitions, competitions and educational projects.
Click hereThe recycling game or how to raise awareness among children
Learning about recycling has become easier and more entertaining than ever for children. There are numerous games and activities designed to teach little ones how to reduce waste generation, sort waste and encourage reuse. These activities reinforce their ecological values and their commitment to the environment.
Click hereWhat is recycled and what is not?
Avoid confusion when recycling. Below, we provide you with information about the elements and waste that can be recycled and those that are not suitable for this process.
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7-year-old boy has his own recycling company
Ryan Hickman, a 7-year-old California County resident, stands out from most kids his age. While many spend most of their time playing video games or watching television, Ryan dedicates a considerable part of his free time to doing an unusual activity for someone his age: contributing to the preservation of the environment!
Click hereYFSE Agreement and the Ministry of Justice and Peace
Great news for the environment! The YFSE Foundation joins the Ministry of Justice and Peace in an important agreement for the removal of solid waste such as paper, cardboard, plastic and other materials. This collaboration promises to strengthen our recycling and environmental preservation initiatives, thus promoting a more sustainable and cleaner future for all. Together, we make a difference!